The boys are crazy. Perhaps it's the warmer weather bringing us glimpses of the summer ahead; perhaps they are sneaking pure sugar into their meals; perhaps they are just your typical boys but they are crazy. I mean bouncing-off-the-walls, screaming-like-eagles (or I guess I should say dragons), making-a-joke-of-everything, crazy. This makes for times when I find myself saying to my own children things that when my parents said them to me, I swore I never would repeat to my own children. Here's a short list of sayings that we all hated to hear in our youth and are destined to repeat to our own kids:
- "Because I said so."
- "Sit still for once."
- "Are you listening?"
- "Do you understand what I am trying to say."
- "No and I mean it."
And then there is the list that I never imagined I would say. Unfortunately this list grows longer with each passing day...
- "Get your hands out of your pants."
- "Don't wipe your nose on me."
- "Don't step on your brother's {insert assorted body part here}."
- "Get your foot out of your bowl."
- "Take the {book, toy, piece of garbage} out of your mouth."
- "Please don't suck on my hair."
All is well in the Anderson Asylum for the evening as the three are safely tucked into bed. The craziness is taking a brief rest, only to refuel for the morning. Another day without needing a padded room - not for the kids, but for us parents who are trying our best to keep the craziness a bit controlled without investing in child-sized straight jackets.