The boys provide us with entertainment. The best thing is that the entertainment is free; the worse is that it can be never-ending and mind-numbing. Some of the best laughs around our house comes from things the boys say.
Sunday, Ben cooked us a wonderful breakfast of buttermilk waffles, bacon and sausage. The boys and I were dining together at the table (always an adventure) as Ben finished off cooking his breakfast. In the interest of full disclosure I contributed to the adventure by letting a rather large, unexpected belch. After excusing myself and apologizing profusely, John offers these words of comfort, "Don't be sorry, that's lovely!" At least I'll always be lovely in an almost seven-year-old's mind.
Today, while sweeping and mopping the floors, Sam and I had an interesting yet odd conversation about bad people. (As much as you can have a conversation with Sam right now. Really it was like a continual banter with very little to no input from me.) According to Sam, bad people don't care about their world so they don't clean their houses. This was followed by lots of questions regarding why bad people are bad and if babies can be bad. Apparently Sam believes in the old adage that cleanliness is close to Godliness. Now, if only he would put this to work in his own room.
Overheard: be careful what you say
12 years ago
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