"Boys are beyond the range of anyone's sure understanding, at least when they are between the ages of 18 months and 90 years." ~James Thurber

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Jack Hanna is my Hero

Good news - No one woke up in the middle of the night last night.  It would have been a nice peaceful night of sleep if only I had gone to bed at a more normal hour for me (9:30 PM instead of the very late 11:45 PM).

Bad news - Waking up this morning was hell.  John came down at 6 AM on the dot.  Not so bad because he'll climb into bed and let a sleepy mommy snuggle for a while.  Just has we had settled under the covers Andrew wakes up, calling for his animals and permission to leave his bed.  John hops out and heads to Andrew's room.  Andrew refuses to budge but continues to call for me so up I get.  The minute he sees me he begins with a steady string of "Jack Anna, Zoo Baby...."  Meanwhile, I have noticed that his diaper has leaked and he needs to be changed.  Apparently Andrew has decided that we are now a clothing and diaper optional household and refuses to let me cover his bottom.  After five minutes of epic screaming and kicking (Andrew) and restraining and bribing (me), I manage to get both diaper and pants back on the littlest Anderson.  Now, I am enjoying a brief moment of internet bliss as the boys partake in Jack Hanna's Zoo Life - Zoo Babies video.

Nothing calms a screaming Andrew like a little Jack Hanna in the morning.  Although, couch battles have begun, Sam is asking for a band-aid and Andrew is on the move.  Looks like my internet retreat is over; hopefully, this is no indication on how the rest of the day will proceed.


Anonymous said...

Love reading this- it is my life just different names for the kids:)

Sara said...

I hope you had a better day than it started out to be! Maybe you'll have to try my "christmas lights" technique with John-he can't get out of bed (or wake up Sam) until the lights come on, and he can't leave his room until you come to get him (which of course will lead to him waking up Sam, so then you'd open up a whole new can of worms). Good luck!